Sunday, November 27, 2011

Startup Script Red5 working with ubuntu 11.x

You may  wish have red5 started at boot.
This script should help you.
It is assumed that your red5 script is located at /usr/share/red5:

cd /etc/init.d/
touch red5
chmod 755 red5
vi red5

Paste below code
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/red5
# Check for missing file
test -x $RED5_DIR/ || exit 5

case "$1" in
      echo -n "Starting Red5 Service"
      echo -n " "
      cd $RED5_DIR
      su -s /bin/bash -c "$RED5_DIR/ &" red5
      sleep 2
       echo -n "Shutting down red5"
       echo -n " "
       su -s /bin/bash -c "killall -q -u red5 java" red5
       sleep 2
       ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
       ## running or not, start it again.
       $0 stop
       $0 start

then you maybe need

useradd red5

and use like
service red5 start
service red5 stop
service red5 restart

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Drupal - smtp with gmail

To use Gmail App with Drupal, use the SMTP Authentication Support module. Install a version of this module that is compatible with your version of Drupal.

Open your modules page, find the SMTP module, and configure it with the following settings:
  • SMTP Server –
  • SMTP Port – 465
  • Use Encrypted Protocal - Yes, Use-ssl
  • Username – gmail Email-address
  • Password – gmail Password
Don't forget to turn the module on and send your first test-mail.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Creating a Virtual Host with Webmin

These instructions apply to Webmin version 1.570 and Ubuntu 10.04
  1. Create a folder where you wish to store your sites files. 
    • You can do this in the Others > File Manager section. 
    • In this example we use: /var/www/vhosts/
  2. Setup the vhost.
    • Click on Servers > Apache Web Server in the left hand menu.
    • Click the “create virtual host” tab.
    • You can leave most settings as their default values, but you should fill out the following:
      • Port: Generally, you’ll want to use port 80.
      • Document Root: This is folder where you site’s files will be stored. Pick the folder you created in step 1.
      • Server name: This is just your site’s domain name, e.g. (leave out the www.)
    • Click “Create Now”
  3. Add a server alias for 
    • Click on the “Existing Virtual Hosts” tab in Servers > Apache Web Server.
    • Click the virtual server you just created.
    • Click on “Networking and Addresses”
    • In the “Alternate Virtual Server Names” box, add any additional server aliases you want to use for this site, such as
    • Press “Save”.
  4. Click “Apply Changes” to get Webmin to restart Apache.
  5. vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and add:   NameVirtualHost *

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stream your video files via CDN and play them with JW Player

Using AWS CloudFront as CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers several advantages over a plain webserver for streaming video. For example, a CDN will be able to speedily deliver your videos across the country and globe, it will be able to stream your videos instead of a download and it will be able to scale to large numbers of videos and viewers.

This 4 steps are required:
  • Get an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account
  • Upload Your Content to S3
  • Create a CloudFront Distribution
  • Configure Your JW Player:
Running Demo and source code :

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Add Google Analytics to your Kaltura Player

  • enter the KMC
  • click on the Studio tab.
  • in the Studio, edit the player of your choice.
  • enter the Features tab and reveal the Additional parameters and plugins section.
  • copy and paste the following line into the "Paste your plug-in line here" text box and click the "go" button:
  • change the googleAnalytics.debugMode parameter to true in order to get visual debugging information window over the player.