Pre-Installation Considerations:
- The current version of the Kaltura CE supports both PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.2.
- Both php and php-cli must be present.
- The following php extensions should be included and enabled: Gd, Curl, Memcache, Mysql, Mysqli, Exif, ftp, iconv, json, Session, apc, spl, DOM, SimpleXML, xml, xsl, ctype;
- Verify that the following settings within the php.ini file on each server:
- For PHP 5.3: Verify that request_order parameter includes C, G and P (recommended: "CGP")
- For PHP 5.2: Verify that variables_order parameter in php.ini includes C, G and P Please verify that date.timezone parameter was set to the right timezone.
minimal Hardware specifications:
1GB RAM, 2 CPUsApache:
Apache 2.2 or higher with following modules enabled: rewrite, headers, expires, filter, deflate, file_cache, env, proxyMySQL:
MySQL 5.1.37 or higher.Verify that mysql server character set is UTF8.
The following lines should be added to the MySQL my.cnf file:
lower_case_table_names = 1
thread_stack = 262144
open_files_limit = 20000
MySQL should be restarted after this adjustment is made
(Plesk will not allow lower_case_table_names = 1)
curl: Should be installed
memcached: Should be installed
ImageMagick: Should be installed32-bit packages required on 64-bit servers:
Some of the binaries that are in use by the Kaltura Platform are available in a 32-bit compiled version only. to enable these binaries
the following packages (or equivalents per Linus Distribution) may be required on a 64-bit server:
a32-libs, lib32asound2, lib32gcc1, lib32ncurses5, lib32stdc++6, lib32z1, libc6-i386
glibc.i686 , ncurses-libs, zlib-1.2.x , freetype , bzip2-libs
JRE 1.6.x:Required for the video analytics module
Pentaho 3.2:
This is an open source data integration package, required for the video analytics module The data-integration package should be downloaded and installed within the /usr/local/pentaho/pdi directory
- Create the /usr/local/pentaho/ directory
- Download and extract the pentaho data-integration package into the /usr/local/pentaho/ - package is available at:
- Rename the data-integration root directory of the downloaded package into the pdi directory
mail server:
A mail server is needed for managing outgoing emails as part of the kaltura platform workflow. Suggested packages: Sendmail, postfix
Disabled SELinux (When applicable on server)
Within the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file (if exists on your server) set: SELINUX=disabled
The server should be restarted after this adjustment is made
Required info during installation
- The full pathname to your Apache apachectl script: For a standard XAMPP configuration the apachectl is usually located at: /opt/lampp/bin/apachectl For a standard LAMP configuration the apachectl may be available at one of the following paths: /usr/bin/apachectl /usr/bin/apache2ctl
- The full pathname to your PHP binary file: For a standard XAMPP configuration the php binary is usually located at: /opt/lampp/bin/php For a standard LAMP configuration the php binary is usually available at the following path: /usr/bin/php
- The full target directory path for the Kaltura application: example /opt/kaltura
- Database information: Datatabase hostname, port, root user, root password
- Your primary system administrator email address
- A password to set for admin console administrator
- The URL to your xymon - system monitoring - service (optional)
- The name of the domain name/virtual hostname you will use for your kaltura CE server: e.g.,
- Your permission to send system data for improving Kaltura CE (optional) Choose your installation folder.
Install from SVN:
Keep in mind that all media files will be stored there and you enough space there. In this example Kaltura is located in the /opt Directory. Linux is Centos 64 bit and you install the latest svn from kaltura.
mkdir /opt/kaltura
cd /opt/kaltura
svn checkout
mkdir bin
cd bin
svn checkout
Running the Kaltura CE installation script:
From the base directory of your extracted kaltura CE package run the "php install.php" command.
- Follow installation instructions and provide the required information.
- When installation completes, follow the post-installation instructions below
At the end of a successful installation you should be prompted with your login credentials to the Kaltura Administration Console (as provided by you during installation). You will need these login credentials to start working with the Kaltura CE. Assuming your mail server is up and running during installation you will receive these credentials to your mail box as well.
For further installation advice visit the Kaltura install site at and read
To start using Kaltura, please complete the following steps:
1. Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file: (==> if you are faced with php 500 error on admin console try real ip instead of
2. Add the following line to your Apache configurations file (Usually called httpd.conf or apache2.conf):
Include /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/apache/my_kaltura.conf
3. Restart apache
4. Browse to your Kaltura start page at:
This and that:
To uninstall kaltura,
1.remove entry in the hosts file and httpd.conf file
2.remove the kaltura* tables from your database
3. (Careful with this one!) rm -rf yourkalturainstallfolder
KMC media list corrupted -
This is the script you need to run if Sphinx becomes a pain in your sphinxter and happens to drop your entry list in the KMC: /opt/kaltura/app/scripts/utils/updatePartnerEntries2Sphinx.php
Modify /start/index.php:
the path to the start page is /kaltura/app/start/index.php
Use Wowza media server instead of Red5:
most of the integration is similiar to red5
explanation is here
this thing are special:
rtmp address for streaming: rtmp://yourserver/vod
rtmp address for for live broadcast rtmp://yourserver/live
ln -s /opt/kaltura/web/content /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/content and
ln -s /opt/kaltura/web/content /opt/kaltura/web/content/webcam