Thursday, April 7, 2011

Install MySql on Centos 5.5

yum install mysql-server

service mysqld start OR /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Secure it:

It is going to ask you handful of questions:

Current Root Password

You will be asked for your current root password. Because this is a new installation it is set to none. Press enter.

Set Root Password

If the above step worked correctly you should be prompted with a question asking you if you would like to set your root password. Please press Y and press Enter.

You will be asked for your root password twice. If it works you will see Success!

Removing Anonymous Users

You will be prompted to remove the MySQL anonymous users. For security reasons we want to do this. The text above the question explains this topic in more detail. Press Y and then Enter.

Disallow Root Login

You will be asked if you would like to disallow remote login for the root user and only allow connections from the server itself. To keep our server secure you want to say Y and press Enter.

Delete test Database

MySQL ships with a default database called test. This is not needed and can be deleted. Press Y and then Enter to delete the test database and it’s associated users.

Reload Privilege Tables

This step will reload the user settings (called privilege tables) so all user changes will take effect. Press Y and then Enter to continue.

1 comment:

  1. I want to and will install the mysql database on my centos 5.5, thanks already to guide how to install.
