Sunday, October 2, 2011

Move Typo3 to a new host.

To move your TYPO3 site from one host to another, you will need an FTP Client and access to an online database tool (such as phpMyAdmin). Begin the process by logging into your online account with your FTP Client. For this How To, we'll demo Firefox's FireFTP extension (which is free).
  1. First, using an FTP Client, such as FireFTP (shown), Connect to your current hosting account.
  2. Download to your local computer all the directories and files in the following directories:


    This download may take a good bit of time, even with a fast connection.
  3. When the download is complete, open the /typo3conf on your local computer and delete all the files that begin with temp_
  4. Next, log in to the original hosting account and access your online database tool (generally, login to phpMyAdmin).
  5. When you've logged in,select your TYPO3 database from the dropdown menu on the left and then click the Export tab.
  6. Leave all the options at their default settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the "Save as file" box and then click the Go button.
  7. Save the file to your local computer.
  8. If the File name field is blank, enter the name of your database here. Then press Go.
  9. When the database export is complete, log in to your new host's server with your FTP Client and upload all the TYPO3 directories and files (do not upload the .sql file that you exported in the previous step).

    Again, this process will likely take some time, even with a fast connection.
  10. When the files are all uploaded, you will need to change the permissions recursively for /fileadmin, /typo3conf, /typo3temp, /uploads, and index.php to chmod 777. (FlashFXP, Filezilla, and Firefox's FireFTP extension all include recursive features).

    Click Read, Write, and Execute for Owner, Group, and Public groups. Then ensure All Contained Files and All Contained Folders are checked as well.
  11. Click Okay and wait. Again, this isn't always a speedy process.
  12. Next, you will need to do some detective work to find out how to create a database, database user, and connect the two on your new server. Typically, the information can be found on your host's support pages.

    Once a new database has been created and set up, use your online databae tool (phpMyAdmin) to import the database you've saved on your local computer.  (Save the User Login and Password for later.)
  13. Click the Import tab.
  14. Click Browse to find your saved .sql database file on your local computer. Select it and then scroll to the bottom of this page and click the Go button.
  15. With these steps done, it's time to log in to the Install Tool. Open your browswer and type the following in the address bar:
  17. When the Install Tool login appears, type in your Install Tool Password and press the Log in Button.
  18. Next, click the Basic Configuration link.
  19. Scroll down the page to the Directories List to ensure all the TYPO3 directories are writable.
  20. If any of the directories are unwritable, return to your FTP Client and set the permission to 777.
  21. Next, scroll down to the Update localconf.php fields.
  22. Next, connect your TYPO3 installation to your database. Enter the database Username and Password. The host should be set at localhost and select the TYPO3 database in the drop down menu.
  23. Enter your Site name in the appropriate field, and then scroll down the page to the Update localconf.php button.
  24. At this point, your TYPO3 transfer is nearly complete. The only thing left to do is to reset any of the site's Constants if they've changed (such as the site's URL or other details).

    Go ahead and navigate to your site's TYPO3 backend ( and login.
  25. To change your site's Constants, click on the WEC Config Module.
  26. Change any of the fields necessary and click the Update button.
  27. With this step complete, your site shoud be fully transferred to your new host. However, you will want to view it in the Frontend to ensure it is satisfactory.

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