Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You like own storage? Install Owncloud!

Install ownCloud 

This section describes in detail how to install ownCloud from the source tar balls.

Download the latest version of ownCloud from https://owncloud.com/download/. It will arrive as a tar.bz2 file.

wget http://mirrors.owncloud.org/releases/owncloud-x.x.x.tar.bz2

Change into your webspace directory, confirm that there is no directory called “owncloud” that can be overwritten, and unpack the tar file.
tar -xjf path/to/downloaded/owncloud-x.x.x.tar.bz2

It will create the ownCloud application inside the subdirectory “owncloud”. To work properly, ownCloud needs to be inside your webspace. The default locations are on

openSUSE / SLES: /srv/www/htdocs/
Fedora / RHEL: /var/www/html/
Ubuntu / Debian: /var/www
The next step is to create the directory for ownCloud to store its files in. Change into your ownCloud directory and create a directory called data.

Once ownCloud is installed, you need to change some file permissions and ownerships to allow the web server to  access and update the ownCloud configuration files and store your data. To do this, change into your ownCloud directory and change the owner of some of the files to the apache user. The correct user varies by Linux distribution family. Here are some examples:

openSUSE / SLES:
Go to /srv/www/htdocs/owncloud (if that is your ownCloud directory)
chown -R wwwrun:www config data
chown wwwrun:www apps
chmod 750 apps config
chmod -R 770 data

Fedora / RHEL:
Go to /var/www/html/ (if that if your ownCloud directory)
chown -R apache:apache config data
chown apache:apache apps
chmod 750 apps config
chmod -R 770 data

Ubuntu / Debian:
Go to /var/www (if that is your ownCloud directory)
chown -R www-data:www-data config data
chown www-data:www-data apps
chmod 750 apps config
chmod -R 770 data

Open your web browser and navigate to your ownCloud instance. If you are installing ownCloud on the same machine as you will access the install wizard from, the url will be:http://localhost/ (or http://localhost/owncloud. For basic installs SQLite is easy to setup (ownCloud will do it for you). For larger installs you should use MySQL or PostgreSQL. Click on the Advanced options to show the configuration options. You may enter admin credentials and let ownCloud create its own database user, or enter a preconfigured user. At this point your install is finished . Happy uploading.

Big Files

The upload size is maybe restricted to 2 MB: As a default, PHP is configured for only 2 MB uploads. This is not entirely useful, so it is important to increase these variables to the sizes you want to support on your server. So edit your servers php.ini file and change this to your desired values. example:

upload_max_filesize = 500 MB
post_max_size = 600 MB

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